2V0-31.19 Professional VMware vRealize Automation 7.6 Exam Free Practice Questions

Carefully crafted practice questions

Last Updated: December 2024

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1. Create and Modify Blueprints:

Design and configure blueprints using the vRealize Automation interface.
Customize blueprints to meet specific requirements.
Incorporate different types of resources into blueprints such as virtual machines, networks, and storage.

2. Configure and Manage Tenants and Business Groups:

Set up and manage tenants within vRealize Automation.
Define and configure business groups to control resource access and allocation.
Implement multi-tenancy best practices.

3. Configure and Manage Extensibility:

Integrate vRealize Automation with other VMware products and third-party tools.
Implement custom scripts and actions using vRealize Orchestrator.
Configure event broker subscriptions for automation tasks.

4. Install and Configure vRealize Automation Components:

Deploy and configure the vRealize Automation appliance.
Install and configure IaaS components including vRealize Automation Proxy Agents and Windows templates.
Configure communication between vRealize Automation components.

5. Configure and Manage Infrastructure and Cloud Providers:

Integrate vRealize Automation with different infrastructure providers such as VMware vSphere and public clouds.
Configure endpoint connections and credentials.
Manage cloud zones and fabric groups.

6. Configure and Manage Service Catalog:

Design and configure service catalog items.
Implement service catalog governance policies.
Manage entitlements and approvals for catalog items.

7. Manage and Troubleshoot vRealize Automation Environment:

Monitor system health and performance.
Troubleshoot common issues related to vRealize Automation deployment and configuration.
Implement backup and restore procedures.

8. Implement and Manage vRealize Automation Security:

Configure authentication and authorization mechanisms.
Implement role-based access control (RBAC) policies.
Secure vRealize Automation communication channels.

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